Getting Started Tutorial for Developers

If you are a developer who is new to integration with Freight Tiger, we recommend that you should go thru this small tutorial which will help you get started.

Getting Started Tutorial: Intro to Freight Tiger Integrations

This is a short tutorial written to help developers who are new to Freight Tiger Platform and are trying to integrate their applications with Fright Tiger Platform for the first time.

  • This tutorial doesn’t assume any existing Freight Tiger knowledge.

  • This tutorial is designed for people who prefer to LEARN BY DOING.

If you prefer learning concepts from the ground up, check out other pages in this documentation. You might find this tutorial and the rest of the documentation complementary to each other.





This is Demo Script for Trip Integration that shows what data can be passed and how. We are giving some example payloads but developers are encouraged to modify this in any way they want.

Kindly note that this does not consist of ALL the APIs. Please refer here for complete API & Webhooks document.

Before We Start the Tutorial

We will build a small integration to FT Trips during this tutorial. You might be tempted to skip it because you’re not integrating trips — but give it a chance. The techniques you’ll learn in the tutorial are fundamental to building any Freight Tiger Integration, and mastering it will give you a deep understanding of Freight Tiger.


This is a demo script to demonstrate how the any external application can automate the process of trip maintenance using Freight Tiger Trip APIs.


Following are the steps to demonstrate the calls that are made for an end to end trip integration:

  1. Create a new trip

  2. Update the same trip with reference of Trip - lrid (FT Trip ID which was returned in Add Trip API response or feedUniqueId which is a unique identifier added in Add Trip API payload)

  3. Push User-defined Trip Milestone Events into the trip.

  4. Validate the data created in above steps on FT screens.

  5. Validate the data created in above steps on Analytics dashboards.


To execute this script, you need following:

  1. JSON Web Token: read more. If you don't have it already, kindly raise a ticket here.

  2. Username & Password Credentials to your account on <URL> for checking the data on FT UI.

  3. Ensure our IPs are whitelisted for both environments:
    Sandbox -
    Production -

Two-Tier Environments

Integration/Sandbox Environment (IP:

Production Environment (IP:

Code for Integration Steps

Postman Collection

Add Trip



Payload body (JSON

{ "lrnumber": "LR123", "loading": { "uniqueId": "CA123", "lat": 19.0759837, "lng": 72.87765590000004, "address": "Mumbai, Maharashtra, India", "area": "Mumbai, Maharashtra, India" }, "unloading": { "uniqueId": "AB123", "lat": 17.9307285, "lng": 73.64773420000006, "address": "Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra 412806, India", "area": "Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra, India" }, "waypoints": [ { "uniqueId": "123456", "address": "Pune Maharashtra", "number": "AP071H07", "area": "500001", "lat": 18.5204, "lng": 73.8567 } ], "vehicleNumber": "MH05AS1212", "feedUniqueId": "F1212121-dd-24244", "plantCode": "ABC123", "locationSource": "sim", "driverName": "Raju", "driverNumbers": [ "1234567890" ], "transporter":{ "uniqueId":"0001004407-I1O1", "name":"SOUTHERN CARGO CARRIERS (INDIA) " }, "consignee": { "uniqueId": "CODE1", "name": "Consignee 1", "number": [ "1111111111", "1111111111" ] }, "share_trip": 1, "customValues": { "ewayBillNo": "EWB1234", "invoiceNumber": "INV123" }, "vehicle_details": { "tare_weight": 100, "net_weight": 100, "gross_weight": 100, "type": "8 wheels" }, "shipment_number": "1234", "lr_reference_number": "INV-4453", "primary_attributes": { "gate_in": "2021-02-02 12:34", "gate_out": "2021-02-02 12:34", "feed_unique_id": "F1212121-dd-24244", "shipment_numbers": [ "SHP1", "SHP2" ], "container_number": "CN1", "tare_weight": 100, "net_weight": 100, "gross_weight": 100, "movement_subtype": "M", "movement_channel": "In", "billing_type": "To Pay", "yard_entry_number": "Y12", "expected_transit_time": 200, "erp_transit_distance": 80, "vehicle_type_ref_code": "4Wheeler" }, "invoice": { "total_invoice_value": 1000000, "currency": "INR", "invoice_details": [ { "from": { "name": "XYX Pvt Ltd", "gstin": "SADSDFG132435DV", "shipping_address": "HSR", "billing_address": "HSR", "contact_phone": [ "9123404017", "98121231234" ], "contact_email": [ "" ] }, "to": { "name": "ABC Pvt Ltd", "gstin": "ASDSFD1234FDS", "shipping_address": "Agra", "billing_address": "Agra", "contact_phone": [ "9123404017", "98121231234" ], "contact_email": [ "" ] }, "so_number": "343424", "so_quantity": 12, "so_date": "2020-01-01 13:40:00", "so_release_date": "2020-01-01 13:40:00", "po_number": "45642", "do_number": "9675752", "do_quantity": 12, "do_date": "2020-01-01 13:40:00", "do_publish_date": "2020-01-01 13:40:00", "invoice_number": "INV2345", "invoice_date": "2020-01-01 13:40:00", "eway_bill_no": "1516859638", "eway_bill_expiry_date": "2020-12-11 12:00:00", "description": "Invoice For Cement Bags", "total_invoice_value": 2222, "price": { "net_price": 10000, "total_price": 12000, "total_tax": 2000 }, "tax": { "cgst_rate": 10, "cgst": 1000, "sgst": 10, "sgst_rate": 100, "igst": 10, "igst_rate": 100, "other_tax": 0, "other_tax_rate": 0 }, "custom_fields": { "doStoNo": "DO-232", "gstvalue": "477531.32" }, "item_details": [ { "sku_code": "DA-123", "material_code": "21324", "hsn_code": "8803", "quantity": 11, "quantity_unit": "BAG", "gross_weight": 22.34, "net_weight": 21.34, "weight_unit": "TON", "product_name": "Concrete Cement Bag", "description": "Concrete Cement Bag", "custom_fields": { "cement_type": "Concrete cement", "cement_grade": "A Grade" }, "price": { "net_price": 10000, "total_price": 12000, "total_tax": 2000 }, "tax": { "cgst_rate": 10, "cgst": 10, "sgst": 10, "sgst_rate": 100, "igst": 10, "igst_rate": 100, "other_tax": 0, "other_tax_rate": 0 } } ] } ] } }

Add Trip Response:

{ "status": true, "result": { "id": 5946173, "shareUrl": "", "lr_number": null, "feed_unique_id": "5946173-1622210187-111162" }, "message": "Trip Created Successfully" }


Update Trip


Payload body (JSON):


{ "lrnumber": "LR124", "driverNumbers": [ "1023456789" ], "customValues": { "ewayBillNo": "EWB1234" }, "lrid": 5946173, "feedUniqueId": "F1212121-dd-24244", "consignee": { "uniqueId": "CODE1", "name": "Consignee 1", "number": [ "1111111111", "1111111111" ] }, "vehicle_details": { "tare_weight": 100, "net_weight": 100, "gross_weight": 100, "type": "8 wheels" }, "shipment_number": "1234", "primary_attributes": { "gate_in": "2021-02-02 12:34", "gate_out": "2021-02-02 12:34", "feed_unique_id": "F1212121-dd-24244", "shipment_numbers": [ "SHP1", "SHP2" ], "container_number": "CN1", "tare_weight": 100, "net_weight": 100, "gross_weight": 100, "movement_subtype": "M", "movement_channel": "In", "billing_type": "To Pay", "yard_entry_number": "Y12", "expected_transit_time": 200, "erp_transit_distance": 80, "vehicle_type_ref_code": "4Wheeler" }, "invoice": { "total_invoice_value": 1000000, "currency": "INR", "invoice_details": [ { "from": { "name": "XYX Pvt Ltd", "gstin": "SADSDFG132435DV", "shipping_address": "HSR", "billing_address": "HSR", "contact_phone": [ "9123404017", "98121231234" ], "contact_email": [ "" ] }, "to": { "name": "ABC Pvt Ltd", "gstin": "ASDSFD1234FDS", "shipping_address": "HSR", "billing_address": "HSR", "contact_phone": [ "9123404017", "98121231234" ], "contact_email": [ "" ] }, "so_number": "1232", "po_number": "1232", "do_number": "1232", "invoice_number": "INV2345", "invoice_date": "1234565342", "eway_bill_no": "1516859638", "eway_bill_expiry_date": "2020-12-11 12:00:00", "description": "Invoice For Cement Bags", "price": { "net_price": 10000, "total_price": 12000, "total_tax": 2000 }, "tax": { "cgst_rate": 10, "cgst": 1000, "sgst": 10, "sgst_rate": 100, "igst": 10, "igst_rate": 100, "other_tax": 0, "other_tax_rate": 0 }, "custom_fields": { "doStoNo": "123asz12", "gstvalue": "477531.32" }, "item_details": [ { "sku_code": "xyz123", "hsn_code": "8803", "quantity": 11, "units": "BAG", "gross_weight": 22.34, "net_weight": 21.34, "weight_unit": "TON", "product_name": "Item description", "description": "Some description", "custom_fields": { "cement_type": "Concrete cement", "cement_grade": "A Grade" }, "price": { "net_price": 10000, "total_price": 12000, "total_tax": 2000 }, "tax": { "cgst_rate": 10, "cgst": 10, "sgst": 10, "sgst_rate": 100, "igst": 10, "igst_rate": 100, "other_tax": 0, "other_tax_rate": 0 } } ] } ] } }

Push User-defined Trip Events


Payload body (JSON):


Close Trip


Payload body (JSON):


Check trip screens

Check Trip Analytics

Check Data In Trip Analytics Report

  1. Goto, login

  2. Go to report → Trip analysis

  3. Select All Trips

  4. Select period which consists of the date of trip that you created in this demo

  5. Select all trips

  6. Enter your mail ID

  7. Click on EMAIL

  8. Check your mail and download the sheet.

  9. All the data you have sent should be in the sheet you received on mail.


Check Data In Trip Analytics Dashboard

  1. Go to, login

  2. Go to Dashboards → Trip analytics

  3. Enter a date range that includes the trip created in this demo script

  4. Click on Number of Trips. This will open a pop-up.

  5. Export as Excel or CSV

  6. All the data Analytics data should be in the sheet.








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For engineering support: visit FT Support