
Alphabetic list of common terms used in this documentation.

JWT (JSON Web Tokens)

JSON Web Token (JWT) is an Internet proposed standard for creating data with optional signature and/or optional encryption whose payload holds JSON that asserts some number of claims. The tokens are signed either using a private secret or a public/private key.


Freigt Tiger APIs, or application programming interface, is a way to request data from FT system or software programmatically. The requests and responses are in JSON format. FT APIs are RESTful and follow the methods defined under HTTP to make their use more straightforward for developers. This means APIs can not only request data for third-parties, but can manipulate and delete it as well if authorized.

FT Webhooks

FT webhooks notify other systems that want an update whenever certain data has changed. Webhooks are predefined instructions, so there's no need for programmers to regularly make requests to external systems for data. Instead, the webhook is set up once and the other system sends data whenever it's triggered. Many refer to webhooks as reverse APIs because developers need to design an API endpoint for a webhook to call that’s able to parse the data received, which is the opposite of programming requests to an external API. The API endpoint - or URL - is considered a “listener” that waits for the FT application to send a request, and transforms the data received however necessary.

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