How does FT integrate with the GPS vendor? 

FT will integrate the GPS devices using the API & token provided. FT will be consuming all tracking data which we will pull from the vendors server to our platform in real time through the API. 

Who will provide this API?

The API link/Token key would be provided by the GPS vendor, using this API we would call the vendors API server to fetch the tracking data of vehicles on which the vendor has his GPS devices installed on.

Expected Standard API format

API document which consists of - API URL with one-time/Permanent Authentication details. The API response should consist of location data for ALL devices/vehicles in array format as below.

Example: URL: https://api.wheelseye.com/currentLoc?accessToken=123456
"message": "Ok",
"success": true,
"list": {
"vehicleNumber": "GJ11Z1234",
"latitude": 22.94146,
"longitude": 73.30259555555556,
"speed": 0,
"createdDate": 1618558042,

"vehicleNumber": "GJ11Z1234",
"latitude": 22.94146,
"longitude": 73.30259555555556,
"speed": 0,
"createdDate": 1618558042,


** Providing separate API for each vehicle will not be acceptable. FT needs an array response with all the vehicle data in one call.

How many days does it take for a GPS integration with a vendor to be done?

1-2 days


** We recommend you install Loconav OR Wheelseye devices as we have partnered with them & believe it can reduce TAT in integration and improve tracking.

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