Verify if my payload is correct

While integration you might want to check if your payload is correct or not.


JSON Schema is a vocabulary that allows you to annotate and validate JSON documents. JSON Schema standards defined by

  1. In left navigation menu → go to → page for the API or Webhook

  2. Open the expansion panel called JSON Schema, copy the schema to clipboard.

  3. Open Json Schema Validator

  4. Paste the schema into Select Schema panel

  5. Paste your JSON payload that you want to validate in Input JSON panel of schema validator

  6. This will show you all schema validation errors. Resolve these one by one.

In case you cant find the JSON Schema for a object you are looking for, raise a ticket on our customer support portal.


Additional Information

You can convert any JSON to JSON Schema at . The resultant schema is not perfect but saves a lot of time in writing complete schema by hand.


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